Welcome to our flight agency "Reisefreudig" for Hajj and Umra. Our agency offers you all the important information about Umra for the year 2024.
With the blessing of the God, we publish the Umra journey to the Hijazi houses to visit the Holy Prophet and perform the Umra rituals.
Dear colleagues,
Date and duration of the trip :
27.10.2024 to 07.11.2024
(12 days)
Return flight from Cologne to Jeddeh via Cairo
Date and duration of the trip :
22.12.2024 to 02.01.2025
(12 days)
Return flight from Cologne to Jeddeh via Cairo and back from Medina via Cairo to Cologne
Date and duration of the trip :
26.01.2025 to 06.02.2025
(12 days)
Return flight from Cologne to Jeddeh via Cairo
Date and duration of the trip :
22.12.2024 to 04.01.2025
(14 days)
Roundtrip flight from Frankfurt to Medinah and back from Jeddah to Frankfurt.
€2099 p.p.
Tattersallstr. 12
DE - 68165 Mannheim
Telephone + 49 621/18068201 -0
Fax + 49 621/ 18068201 -9
Mobile + 49 176 725 422 30
E-Mail: info@hajj-umra-abdalla.de